SubAir Solutions For The Modern Golf Course


SubAir Solutions For Sports Fields

Explore The Innovations Behind Our Fans


Blow the Competition Away

We may not be able to guarantee you blue skies,

but at SubAir Systems, we can ensure impeccable greens

and superior field conditions.

Why? Because it all starts from the roots up.

That explains our company’s name and its focus.

Superior surface and subsurface aeration.

Optimal moisture removal.

Incredible results.

SubAir Golf:

Innovation in subsurface aeration and moisture control systems since 2005

SubAir Sport:

Predictable footing, improved traction and the ‘give’ of natural turf

TurfBreezeTM Fans:

Improved turf and field conditions in a myriad of ways

SubAir Golf

Innovation in subsurface aeration and moisture control systems since 2005

SubAir Sport

Predictable footing, improved traction and the ‘give’ of natural turf

TurfBreezeTM Fans

Improved turf and field conditions in a myriad of ways

Our Clients

SubAir Soccer
SubAir Football
Winged Foot
Wentworth Golf Club UK
SubAir Baseball